AAWCC Presents Brown Bag Lunch & Learn Series

Do you want to learn more about AAWCC and fellow AAWCC members, SWOCC faculty, and staff? Join us for AAWCC’s Brown Bag Lunch & Learn Series. On the 3rd Thursday of each month, one of our members, faculty, or staff will present a lively talk or discussion about life on campus, career choices, and much more. Our first Brown Bag Lunch will be on Thursday, April 18th, 2019. This month we will be having a round table discussion about AAWCC and introduce the topics for our new Brown Bag Lunch & Learn series.

Please join us on the third Thursday of each month, bring your lunch and a friend!        

Author: Dr. Mason

Dr. Mason serves as the Vice President of Communications for the AAWCC Southwestern Oregon Chapter.

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